
Showing posts from March 7, 2019

I. The Stolen Lands : 1.2 And let the adventure begin

In Restov : a secret meeting in the Temple of Erastil The Heroes were invited to a secret meeting in the temple of Erastil in the outskirts of Restov. It was dark, the sky was leaden black and a fine rain was cooling the damp atmosphere of the southern summer. When they each arrived once at a time, they entered the high carved wooden building were reigned an atmosphere of profond contemplation. Beeswax, resin, sage, cypress powerful scents invaded the air. Only a few candles illuminated the chapel and its carved alcoves where the Patriarch Russev  was celebrating a funeral ritual in the company of a handful of believers. Only muffled cryings could be heard in the silent dim light. Silhouettes stand out in the dark rows of oak benches. It was only when the bereaved faithfuls left the temple that the old man got rid of his robe and ceremonial headdress. He then went to the presbytery, beckoning the Heroes to follow him. Everyone settled in the small cramped room. The patriarch int...