I. The Stolen Lands : 1.6 Wandering in the Green Belt & Various encounters

Back to the fort After two days to discover the immediate surroundings of the Temple, the Heroes went back to the Fort, stopping by the lumberjacks camp to get their horses back. The woodsmen were about to leave as well. They had all of their equipment prepared and loaded in cart pulled by a small robust horse. Both groups crossed the edge of the Great Forest together and travelled through the grassy hills to reach Oleg 's outpost. On the way, Barwane told the lumberjacks about what they found in the woods : the abandoned temple, the black vine, the poor priest and all. Once in South Fort, the woodsmen quickly left to the North where they had spotted a thick tree grove a few hours from there. They planned to spend a few days there to cut down the wood they needed and get it to the fort so they can start to restore the walls. They would then help Pavil and his sons to install a farm and an enclosure for the cattle. Oleg's carriage leaving South Fort Oleg w...