I. The Stolen Lands : 1.7 Restov finally sending help & Kobolds are discovered

Here comes Kresten Garess Late in the morning, the Heroes were enjoying a good breakfast in the courtyard, recovering from their wanderings in the Kamelands and the dangerous encounters they had. The captured bandits Sourwine and Meatloaf Jan were helping out Ugarsh to build his forge, doing most of the heavy duty with chains at their feet. Svetlana was cleaning up and making some room in the storehouse. Oleg came back from Restov around noon with two fully loaded carriages and five men at arms to escort him. Four foot soldiers and a horseman leading them had been finally dispatched by the city to defend South Fort. The cavalier was a good looking cadet of noble ascent named Kresten Garess . The Heroes would learn later in the night after a few pichets of wine that he was not really in the good grace of his family due to all sorts of youthful misbehaviours. His father was a cousin from a minor branch to the mighty and wealthy Duke of Garess. Higher instances of the ...