I. The Stolen Lands : 1.4 Stories about previous settlements and the rule of the Staglord

Prisoners or an introduction to Justice The aftermath of their first violent encounter in the Stolen Lands got the Heroes burdened with 3 lost souls and not the slightest idea about what to do with them. The surviving bandits surrendered. It was then difficult for the emissaries of Restov to kill them in cold blood even though their charter stated clearly that they needed to clear the Green Belt from brigands. Yegor probably was the more eager to hang the prisoners after an expedite trial. His proposal was welcomed with a mixed reaction among the party and it was finally decided to interrogate the bandits to define if they had remorse and I they were likely to collaborate. The sorry fellows were answering to merry nicknames such as Sourwine , Meatloaf Jan and Skinny Tomcat . The first two, and probably not the smartest of the lot, cried and begged and rolled themselves in the dirt to show how guilty they felt. The Heroes decided to give them a chance and the fellows got...