I. The Stolen Lands : 1.8 An unexpected alliance with Kobolds & going to war with the Mites

Chief Sootscale or rather... former Chief Sootscale Barwane was getting deeper in the tunnels with Napkik on his side, crossing numerous Kobold individuals, young and old but also many warriors in arms. The gnome was suddenly wondering if it was such a good idea to have come here all by himself in the end. The galeries were surprisingly well tended and it seemed a lot of them were not from the original mine but actually created by the Kobolds. He did his best to keep track of the path they were taking into the labyrinth of corridors but he suspected his guide was making it as difficult as possible on purpose. They finally reached a big room where he was introduced to an extremely tall male Kobold that happened to be Chief Sootscale , the official leader of the tribe of the same name. The gnome listened carefully and silently his story until the end, preventing himself to interrupt him and that was probably the hardest part for him. Entrance of the old mine and Soots...