I. The Stolen Lands : 1.7 Restov finally sending help & Kobolds are discovered
Here comes Kresten Garess
Oleg came back from Restov around noon with two fully loaded carriages and five men at arms to escort him. Four foot soldiers and a horseman leading them had been finally dispatched by the city to defend South Fort. The cavalier was a good looking cadet of noble ascent named Kresten Garess. The Heroes would learn later in the night after a few pichets of wine that he was not really in the good grace of his family due to all sorts of youthful misbehaviours. His father was a cousin from a minor branch to the mighty and wealthy Duke of Garess. Higher instances of the family ordered him to send young Kresten away to follow some military career far from Grayhaven. The young man had his lot of experience in combat fighting in some small scale conflicts between noble houses in both Issia and Rost to finally get an officer role in Restov.
The Heroes were quite satisfied as Kresten and his soldiers would be able to defend the outpost during their exploration times. They were planning to take Roald and Niklaios for a few days trip to search for favorable spots and fertile lands to install their future farms.
However, hey delayed their departure until the next market day as they wished to make some announcements to the inhabitants of the area.
First, they informed people of the new military force to be stationed in South Fort and dedicated to the protection of the trading post and its surroundings. The locals welcomed the news with mixed feelings. Even though they could appreciate the gain in terms of security they were wondering if having guards was not the premises of having all sorts of laws and the type of annoying constraints most of them had tried to avoid coming into a wild remote place like the Green Belt.
They also declared that a festival would be held on Archer's Day and that everyone should spread the news around. Merchants from the Fort Serenko would participate to the fair alongside the local traders ! And an archery contest would be organised with fantastic prizes to win ! And if Truden and his troop of jugglers and musicians could come they could even have a dance !
A worrying discovery
The following morning the Heroes left with the two cultivators and brought them to the different sites they had spotted during their explorations. The second of these locations should spoil a bit the good mood of everyone. Not too far from a small river which would have been perfect for irrigation purposes, the Heroes found half a dozen dead bodies scattered around a small hill. It was obvious that battle had taken place there between two different species of small humanoids, one being Mites, said Barwane, a race of ugly and evil blueish feys and the other kobolds, the well known reptilian pests.
It was asked to Alyssa and Yegor if it was possible to track down the two groups of creature to find out if their home bases could be located. Fortunately, the trail were pretty fresh and it hadn't rained for a few days as the storm season was over in the Green Belt. The party managed to quickly discover where the Kobolds were coming from and it was no more than a couple hours away from the place the battle happened. A few sentinels were dispatched and quite well hidden around the reptiles' nest that turned out to be an old abandoned mine.
One of small scaly guards was quite surprised to see a smily gnome in coloured attires suddenly come out the bushes. "Hey mister warrior, my name is Barwane. I'm hear in peace and wishes no harm to you and your people". The gnome was talking fluently an in a very articulated way in the Draconian language and that second surprise was a bit too much for an emotive little lizard person. The sentinel happened to be called Napkik and he was a member of the Kobold Sootscale tribe living in the ancient mine. "I come in the name of the powerful lord Evgeny who is a fierce warrior among the Human tribe. It came to his hears that the Kobolds were at war with the Mites and he would be pleased to have a parler with your leaders about a possible alliance to defeat your ennemies !"
It took only an instant to Napkik to process the information before he decided not to alert his fellows guards but rather to lead the Gnome to his chief. That was way more than what Barwane had expected from a random Kobold.
The rest of the party was observing the scene from a distance. They were quite surprised to see their gnomish friend following the Kobold guard and disappear in the darkness of the mine...
Next : I. The Stolen Lands : 1.8 An unexpected alliance with Kobolds & going to war with the Mites
Late in the morning, the Heroes were enjoying a good breakfast in the courtyard, recovering from their wanderings in the Kamelands and the dangerous encounters they had. The captured bandits Sourwine and Meatloaf Jan were helping out Ugarsh to build his forge, doing most of the heavy duty with chains at their feet. Svetlana was cleaning up and making some room in the storehouse.

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Kresten Garess |
However, hey delayed their departure until the next market day as they wished to make some announcements to the inhabitants of the area.
First, they informed people of the new military force to be stationed in South Fort and dedicated to the protection of the trading post and its surroundings. The locals welcomed the news with mixed feelings. Even though they could appreciate the gain in terms of security they were wondering if having guards was not the premises of having all sorts of laws and the type of annoying constraints most of them had tried to avoid coming into a wild remote place like the Green Belt.
They also declared that a festival would be held on Archer's Day and that everyone should spread the news around. Merchants from the Fort Serenko would participate to the fair alongside the local traders ! And an archery contest would be organised with fantastic prizes to win ! And if Truden and his troop of jugglers and musicians could come they could even have a dance !
A worrying discovery
The following morning the Heroes left with the two cultivators and brought them to the different sites they had spotted during their explorations. The second of these locations should spoil a bit the good mood of everyone. Not too far from a small river which would have been perfect for irrigation purposes, the Heroes found half a dozen dead bodies scattered around a small hill. It was obvious that battle had taken place there between two different species of small humanoids, one being Mites, said Barwane, a race of ugly and evil blueish feys and the other kobolds, the well known reptilian pests.
It was asked to Alyssa and Yegor if it was possible to track down the two groups of creature to find out if their home bases could be located. Fortunately, the trail were pretty fresh and it hadn't rained for a few days as the storm season was over in the Green Belt. The party managed to quickly discover where the Kobolds were coming from and it was no more than a couple hours away from the place the battle happened. A few sentinels were dispatched and quite well hidden around the reptiles' nest that turned out to be an old abandoned mine.
One of small scaly guards was quite surprised to see a smily gnome in coloured attires suddenly come out the bushes. "Hey mister warrior, my name is Barwane. I'm hear in peace and wishes no harm to you and your people". The gnome was talking fluently an in a very articulated way in the Draconian language and that second surprise was a bit too much for an emotive little lizard person. The sentinel happened to be called Napkik and he was a member of the Kobold Sootscale tribe living in the ancient mine. "I come in the name of the powerful lord Evgeny who is a fierce warrior among the Human tribe. It came to his hears that the Kobolds were at war with the Mites and he would be pleased to have a parler with your leaders about a possible alliance to defeat your ennemies !"
It took only an instant to Napkik to process the information before he decided not to alert his fellows guards but rather to lead the Gnome to his chief. That was way more than what Barwane had expected from a random Kobold.
The rest of the party was observing the scene from a distance. They were quite surprised to see their gnomish friend following the Kobold guard and disappear in the darkness of the mine...
Next : I. The Stolen Lands : 1.8 An unexpected alliance with Kobolds & going to war with the Mites
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